Good-2-Go services are strongly rooted in the psychological model of Social Learning Theory and in the best practices of some of the most progressive and successful agencies of the human services industry. More than a companion, your Good-2-Go staff member is a professional who is trained, and receives on-going training, on these working strategies.
Each of our team members is also trained on and must sign a professional code of ethics, ensuring that you get the best, most ethical, professional available in the industry today.
Good-2-Go recognizes that our service model is not a perfect fit for everyone. Our philosophy requires that the individual's we support assume personal responsibility for their success and failures. Our team is here to support the individual in becoming more independent, successful, and happy. Please review our services with your Caseworker or Personal Agent to see if they will be right for you!
At G2G, we believe that change and growth come not entirely from formal instruction, but more from the relationships we care about. We believe that influence-based instruction starts with a strong bond and positive relationship between our professional staff and those we serve. Through this relationship, we are able to create positive growth and change through mentor modeling. Important to this process, the individuals being supported must themselves desire growth, change, and have personal goals which they strive to achieve. Collaboratively, we will work with our members to help them be all that they can and want to be!
At Good-2-Go, we believe that experiencing risk-taking is a normal part of life that leads to growth and personal development. Giving our members the opportunity to experience reasonable trial-error (risk taking) is an important part of our process. To "protect" or "make life easier" only denies the individual the opportunity to make his/her own choices. Over-protection fosters an unrealistic dependence that contradicts the goals of Good-2-Go. It may also lead to artificially lowered expectations. The "Dignity of Risk" means giving people the respect of making their own choices, consistent with their own capabilities and desires; and to allow them to experience the consequences of those choices.
The process of assisting our customers in making an informed choice includes:
Providing support in the area of Informed Choice means that our staff do not insert personal values of right/wrong, morality, or a desired outcome. Rather our team members work with the individual to help them explore the impact of their choices on their own lives. We are here to provide support, but in the end, the individual owns the choice and the outcomes associated with those decisions.
It is of significant importance that supports occur in the most natural, least restrictive, setting possible. Good-2-Go emphasizes the community-based component of its services as key to the efficacy of its teaching (modeling) strategy. Instruction that is provided in artificial environments may have mixed results, as an issue of generalization. With community-based, natural-setting supports, the individual has opportunity to recreate modeled behavior and to receive reinforcements from individual who may become natural supports for them in the future.